Of all groups surveyed, White Evangelical Protestants were second to last, with only 61 percent supporting them - a jump from 56 percent in 2015. Unitarians (97 percent) and Catholics of color (87 percent) were the religious groups most likely to support such laws. Seventy-nine percent of Americans support laws that would ban discrimination against LGBTQ people, a jump from 71 percent in 2015. That said, White Evangelical support for some of these issues is growing. Of all major religious groups surveyed, only White Evangelicals and Latter Day Saints have less than majority support for same-sex marriage. However, this growing support of same-sex marriage largely excludes White Evangelicals.
The poll found that Americans broadly support laws that would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in jobs, public accommodation and housing forbidding small business owners from refusing to serve LGBTQ people and allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry. A sweeping poll from PRRI finds that American support for the expansion of LGBTQ rights continues its upwards trajectory unabated.